Share the findings of your RapidUsertests as video clips, highlight videos, or with guest and viewer access
Your user test provided exciting insights that you want to share with your colleagues?
There are several ways to share information and video clips with your stakeholders:
Add team members
In your customer dashboard, you can easily add team members to your account via the navigation point "Organization".
If you add them as "Members", they have access to all your tests and can invite other members themselves.
As a "Viewer", they only have access to individual tests that you have shared.
With RapidUsertests Premium, you can also assign additional roles and authorizations.
Invite colleagues and stakeholders as viewers
In a moderated live test, up to 30 observers can participate in addition to the moderator.
Viewers can join a specific live session via a link. In order for them to participate in the session, they must first register or log in to RapidUsertests.Viewers can:
- Listen and watch,
- take notes,
- chat with the moderator in written form,
- talk with other viewers.
Share video
Do you find a part of the video very meaningful and want to share it with someone?
Then mark the spot in the video as a clip (with a start and end time). By clicking on the share icon you will see a link that you can then copy and share.
You can also share the entire video from a certain point. To do this, click on the share icon in a comment that has not been saved as a clip.
Download video
You can download full videos in the video view above the video:
Highlight Video
You can compile the most meaningful parts of the videos into a highlight video. You can export the compilation as an mp4 file or share it as a link.
We explain exactly how to do this here: Expert tips for the highlight video
Export evaluations
All comments on the videos and all written answers of the testers can be exported in an Excel file.
This way, all collected findings can be easily processed further.
The export is available for download on the overview in the Statistics or NPS section, on the "Your evaluations" page at the top right and on the "Post-surveys" page at the top right.
The sheet with the comments contains a column with the links to the corresponding video clips. This way, your Excel colleagues can also view the original video directly.
Download test concept
Do you still want feedback on the test concept from your colleagues?
You can download the test concept as a PDF file in the booking as well as in your dashboard:
If you do not want the test to start immediately after you place your purchase, simply select the expert features when creating the test and indicate there that you will contact us as soon as the test can start. Alternatively, you can also write in the order note that the test should only be started on demand. Then we will take this into account and wait for a message via email or chat.